What is this all about?

I ask myself that same question almost daily with and without satisfaction(by the way that player up there is kind of shitty so you may have to click play more than once to get her going). My goal for this site is to achieve some form of solidarity through the creative process. Ideally, I would love to start a movement aimed at easing the collective pain associated with living in this robotic landscape and interacting with The League of Morons on a daily basis. We all have our defense mechanisms and/or copings skills when we open our unsolicited gifts of selfish behavioral patterns that have manifested themselves throughout this digital utopia. To make it plain, life sucks sometimes and we all deal with it in our own way. This is where I see the seed of solidarity and the reason I decided to create this site. Some of us use the arts to calm our hearts and souls, I use humor, writing and music to tame my mind’s wild hairdo. This site is dedicated to using a few of the qualities we may have, that distinguish us from the animal kingdom in order to ease the stress of daily life. Laughter, art, writing and music are the topics of this blogging site however I must insist on a few guidelines. First and foremost be as creative as you can be, if you have a bone to pick with society in general then post it. For example, if you are blogging about what it is like to live in a poet’s skin, perfect, I only ask that your expression has some quality that encourages solidarity (e.g. I feel that way too) rather than devolving into whining with a good vocabulary. To make a finer point on what may be an over sharpen pencil; no complaining or fighting, I am self-sufficient in that area. I hope you laugh and dance your asses off or at least get a reprieve from life’s greedy ticking and taking. After all like good old Robert Zimmerman said, “It’s all right ma, It’s life and life only”

Daniel Anthony Medina 2014

P.S.  Please understand y’all this is all about using your skills to put your social indictments, fears, love, hope and my favorite, comedy, up in the atmosphere( or one of those fears) and placing your passion on the page or whatever medium you choose. Ultimately,  this is where we can come to share our methods that manifest those rare moments in life where all is laughter, bliss and contentment, if only for the length of a song, a phrase in a poem, a portion of a story or a glimpse of purity on a canvas, city wall or a moving train.


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